When is the best time to hire a doula?

Congratulations! You have a positive pregnancy test. This is a time full of excitement and questions. What about prenatal care? Which doctor or midwife should you choose? What is the difference between hospitals, birth centers, and homebirth options? And, what about a doula?
When is the best time to hire a doula?
Recently, an expectant mom asked when was good time to choose a doula. This can be answered one way: when you are ready. How will you know when you are ready? I think knowing what you would like your doula to do for you can help answer this question. In that light, I thought I would walk through the services your doula can provide for you during each trimester. This is by no means an exhaustive list because doula services are unique to each client’s wishes.
First Trimester:
You may not have thought about it before, but your birth philosophy is important in helping you choose your care provider and birthing place. Your doula can help you formulate a birth philosophy. She can provide links to evidence based information on early pregnancy concerns, pregnancy related discomforts, and testing. She is all about reducing your concerns and anxieties. She will be available to answer questions and to encourage.
Second Trimester:
This trimester has some big happenings. You begin to feel baby move, and you anticipate some big prenatal tests. Your doula can provide a listening ear and information about recommended testing such as the 18 week(+or-) ultrasound and test for gestational diabetes. This is also a very good time to complete your birth plan. She can guide you through the many choices you may face and help you choose what is most important to you. She continues to get to know you, your partner, and your preferences, wishes, and concerns.
Third Trimester:
During this trimester, your doula will typically provide your prenatal visits. These visits will prepare you and your partner for the process of birth ahead. She continues to be available to answer questions and to encourage. From week 38 forward, she will be on call 24-7 until after the birth of your baby. She is there to listen to your questions following your appointments with your care provider and to provide evidence based information. She is there to talk with you when you are anxious, wondering why you are feeling what you are feeling. She is there to provide a calm and reassuring voice, because she knows birth is a normal yet powerfully trans-formative process.
Whenever you do decide to hire a doula, all communication forward provides opportunities for her to get to know you, your partner, and your unique desires for the space in which you wish to give birth.
When was/is your perfect time to seek the services of a doula?