Certified Lactation Counselor

Certified Lactation Counselor

Lactation Support

As a Certified Lactation Counselor, I provide breast and bottle feeding support. Sometimes newborns are able to feed without a problem. Other times, the baby and mother may experience breastfeeding challenges.

Most expectant mothers have a deep desire to provide breastmilk to their babies. Almost all mothers can breastfeed or provide breastmilk. My desire is to help you realize your feeding goal through any challenge. I will help you develop a plan for your goal and work collaboratively with your care team.

Feeding Support

Certified Lactations Counselors support feeding. If you are bottle-feeding or plan to, I will demonstrate paced bottle feeding. We will discuss the best bottle to use, burping techniques, and formula preparation how-tos. We will also discuss learning to recognize feeding cues, the baby’s satiation signals, and your baby’s expected intake needs.

Certified Lactation Counselor Services:

Certified Lactation Counselor
Marcie Hadley Lactation Counselor

An in-home visit within the first few days of birth is available.

Follow-up support is available as needed – in-home or via Zoom.


Consultation: $100

Lactation support may be bundled with other services. For more information, click here.

For more information on breastfeeding and feeding support, visit KellyMom.